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Leander, Rosalee G.

The effect of fermented red seaweeds (Eucheuma cotonii) on yield performance of cucumber (Cucumis sativus) - Aurora ASCOT 2014 - xii, 54 pages : illus.

Master of Science in Agriculture (Crop Science)

This study was conceptualized because of the current problem on climate change in which intensive agriculture had great contribution due to excessive use of chemical fertilizer. In the rising of organic agriculture, there are many recommended ways on how to produce organic fertilizers. But all those fertilizers lack plant hormones that help plant in its physiological processes. Thus, this study was conducted to determine the yield performance of cucumber plants using fermented red seaweeds as fertilizer and as source of plant hormones.
This study was arranged in a 5x3 factorial single Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD). There were five treatments and three replications. The treatments were as follows: T1 – Control, T2 – 100 ml of fermented seaweed extract was mixed to 900 ml of water, T3 – 200 ml of fermented seaweed extract was mixed to 00 ml of water, T4 – 300 ml of fermented seaweed extract was mixed 700 ml of water, and T5 – 400 ml of fermented seaweed extract was mixed to 600 ml of water.
The fermented red seaweeds were produced through the process of fermentation for four weeks using molasses. It was applied by drenching two times per week which started when the plants reached one week of age after planting and ended when the plants were ten weeks of age after planting.
The parameters were the number of days to flower, number of flowers per plant after the first harvest, number of fruits per plant, average weight of fruits per plant, and yield per hectare. The results were subjected to statistical analysis using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). Comparison among means was computed using the Duncan’s Multiple Range Test (DMRT) to determine the significant difference among treatments.
The results revealed that there is no significant effect in the number of days to flower and average number of flowers after the first harvest. In terms of number of fruits, average weight of fruits per plant and yield per hectare show significant and highly significant results. Treatment 4 has the highest number of fruits followed by Treatment 3, Treatment 5, Treatment 2 and Treatment 1 (control) got the least number of fruits. In the average weight of fruits, Treatment 3 got the heaviest weight, and Treatment 1 is the lightest in weight. In terms of yield per hectare, Treatment 3 had the highest yield while Treatment 1 had the lowest yield.
Statistical results using DMRT was done and it is shown in ANOVA tables, interactions among treatments were significantly different in terms of number of fruits per plant, average weight of fruits per plant, and computed yield per hectare.

Fermented red seaweeds (Eucheuma cotonii)
Cucumber (Cucumis sativus)

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