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Solid waste disposal scheme of hotels, transient houses, and resorts in Barangay Sabang, Baler, Aurora/

Gonzales, Clark R.

Solid waste disposal scheme of hotels, transient houses, and resorts in Barangay Sabang, Baler, Aurora/ - Aurora ASCOT 2023 - xvi, 44 pages: col. illus.

Bachelor of Science in Forestry


As the tourism industry continually boomed in Aurora, establishment of hotels, transient houses, and resorts became prevalent to accommodate the increasing tourist who were visiting the province. Barangay Sabang, being the barangay which is adjacent to the sea, became one of the most visited tourist spots in Baler. Hence, most of hotels, transient houses, and resorts were constructed therein. The continuous increase in the number of tourist, visiting the barangay led to increase in waste generation and issues and concerns regarding its disposal. This research aimed to determine the existing solid waste disposal scheme applied by owners or operators of hotels, transient houses, resorts and other forms of accommodation in the said barangay, determine the different waste disposal practices being applied, and as well as identify issues faced by the owners of hotels, transient houses, and resorts thereat. The operations of hotels, transient houses, and resorts in Barangay Sabang mostly generated waste like plastic bottles, cigarette butt, candy wrapper and sando bags and 100% of the respondents generated hazardous waste such as light bulb, occasionally. Results of the study showed that 97.56% of the respondents encountered the issues of having waste brought by the tourist. The same percentage experienced in difficulty of adapting to the proper waste disposal management (90.24%) respondents stated that they encountered issues of waste being dumped elsewhere (90.24%). Nonetheless, (90.24%) of its owners/operators were bringing waste which can no longer be used to Material Recovery Facility and 85.37% were selling to junkshop those that can still be recycled. In line with the findings, specific recommendations were intended for the owners of hotels, transient houses, and resorts to adapt to zero-waste management to reduce generation of waste and imposition of penalty for tourists who are not responsible enough to take part in the proper waste disposal. The outcome of this research would serve as a baseline data for related researchers and a reference for formulating a policy that will best suit with the problems identified in this research.

Solid waste disposal
Transient houses