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Traditional practices and indigenous knowledge of the Aeta Community in Barangay Diteki, San Luis, Aurora/

Casanova, Jesica T.

Traditional practices and indigenous knowledge of the Aeta Community in Barangay Diteki, San Luis, Aurora/ - Aurora ASCOT 2023 - xiii, 53 pages: col. illus.

Bachelor of Science in Forestry


The Traditional Practices and Indigenous Knowledge of Aeta Community in Barangay Diteki, San Luis, Aurora, was surveyed from November to December 2022. Interview and survey questionnaires were used in gathering the data. The respondents were seventy-six (76), of which twenty (20) were males and fifty-six (56) were females. The results show that some of the traditional practices and indigenous knowledge of Aetas in Barangay Diteki are retained such as using traditional clothes, using herbal medicine, traditional fishing and hunting, making handicrafts, and some old beliefs. Also, the number one problem that constrains the progress in their life is lack of jobs and some of their children have experiencing malnutrition. Their chieftain is initiating the preservation of knowledge and practices and is continuously making a way to preserve them. Their traditional practices and knowledge that are deeply rooted in their beliefs are difficult to neglect since it has already been a part of their tradition for so many year

Indigenous knowledge
Traditional practices
Aeta community