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Dela Cruz, Caysie Mia P.

Supply and Demand for Pigmented RIce Varieties in DIpaculao, Aurora - Aurora ASCOT 2023 - xi, 48 pages : illustrations.

Bachelor of Science in Agriculture (Major in Crop Science)

This study was conducted to describe the demand and supply of pigmented rice varieties in Dipaculao Aurora and to determine the gap between supply and demand. A survey questionnaire was developed and served as guide in generating data and the information from pigmented rice growers and sellers in the area. Descriptive analysis was used to characterize the demand and supply of pigmented rice.
There were about 30 growers and 13 sellers identified and interviewed. Most of the farmers (about 90%) produce black rice and the rest produce red and brown rice. The black rice was sold as rice and the rest were for home consumption. Black rice is preferred by buyers at an average selling price of P 78 per kilogram. In supply and demand gap. It refers difference between the quantity of a product of service that consumers want to buy and the quantity that supplier is willing to or able to sell. Based on the results, the supply is decreasing due to lack of market access and lack of seeds while the demand is increasing causing the price of pigmented rice to rise.

growth hormone.

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