Marzan Samson Jr. T.
Fish Amino Acid as Nutrient Amendment on Phil Rice-bred Variety of Rice - Aurora ASCOT 2023 - xiv, 49 pages : colored illustrations.
Bachelor of Science in Agriculture (Crop Science).
This research aimed to assess the effectiveness of Fish Amino Acid (FAA) on various agronomic parameters of Phil Rice-bred variety. The Phil Rice-bred variety is a rice cultivar developed by the Philippine Rice Research Institute (Phil Rice), an institution dedicated to advancing rice science and technology in the country. This variety is carefully bred and selected to exhibit desirable traits such as high yield potential, resistance to diseases and pests, and adaptability to specific agro-climatic conditions.
In this study, the said variety served as the subject of investigation to evaluate the response of key agronomic factors to different treatments Fish Amino Acid. It is of particular interest due to its potential to contribute significantly to rice production, addressing the evolving needs of farmers and the agricultural sector. The aim was to identify sustainable and effective practices that could optimize the growth and yield of this specific rice variety. The treatments were as follows; T1 (No Application), T2 (25% FAA (1L) ha -1 + 75% (45-33.74-7.5) NPK ha -1), T3 (50% FAA (2L) ha -1 + 50% (30-22.5-5) NPK ha -1), T4 (75% FAA (3L) ha -1 +25% (15-11.25-2.5) NPK ha -1) respectively. The application employed in this study involved broadcasting vermicompost onto the rice field one week before transplanting while fish amino acid (FAA) was applied as a foliar fertilizer seven days after transplanting and continued until the reproductive period together with the recommended fertilizer.
Upon analysis, no statistically significant difference were observed among the various parameters measured, including plant height, the number of productive and unproductive tillers, the number of unfilled spikelets, length of panicle, dry grain yield, grain yield per sampling area, and grain yield per hectare. These results indicate that the treatments did not yield distinct variations in these aspects. However, noteworthy variation was identified specifically in terms of the number of filled spikelets per panicle, with T4 (75% FAA (3L) ha -1 + 25% (15-11-2.5) NPK ha -1) exhibiting significant differences. This particular treatment demonstrated a unique impact on the number of filled spikelets per panicle, suggesting a specific and discernible effect in comparison to the other treatments.
fish amino acid.
Fish Amino Acid as Nutrient Amendment on Phil Rice-bred Variety of Rice - Aurora ASCOT 2023 - xiv, 49 pages : colored illustrations.
Bachelor of Science in Agriculture (Crop Science).
This research aimed to assess the effectiveness of Fish Amino Acid (FAA) on various agronomic parameters of Phil Rice-bred variety. The Phil Rice-bred variety is a rice cultivar developed by the Philippine Rice Research Institute (Phil Rice), an institution dedicated to advancing rice science and technology in the country. This variety is carefully bred and selected to exhibit desirable traits such as high yield potential, resistance to diseases and pests, and adaptability to specific agro-climatic conditions.
In this study, the said variety served as the subject of investigation to evaluate the response of key agronomic factors to different treatments Fish Amino Acid. It is of particular interest due to its potential to contribute significantly to rice production, addressing the evolving needs of farmers and the agricultural sector. The aim was to identify sustainable and effective practices that could optimize the growth and yield of this specific rice variety. The treatments were as follows; T1 (No Application), T2 (25% FAA (1L) ha -1 + 75% (45-33.74-7.5) NPK ha -1), T3 (50% FAA (2L) ha -1 + 50% (30-22.5-5) NPK ha -1), T4 (75% FAA (3L) ha -1 +25% (15-11.25-2.5) NPK ha -1) respectively. The application employed in this study involved broadcasting vermicompost onto the rice field one week before transplanting while fish amino acid (FAA) was applied as a foliar fertilizer seven days after transplanting and continued until the reproductive period together with the recommended fertilizer.
Upon analysis, no statistically significant difference were observed among the various parameters measured, including plant height, the number of productive and unproductive tillers, the number of unfilled spikelets, length of panicle, dry grain yield, grain yield per sampling area, and grain yield per hectare. These results indicate that the treatments did not yield distinct variations in these aspects. However, noteworthy variation was identified specifically in terms of the number of filled spikelets per panicle, with T4 (75% FAA (3L) ha -1 + 25% (15-11-2.5) NPK ha -1) exhibiting significant differences. This particular treatment demonstrated a unique impact on the number of filled spikelets per panicle, suggesting a specific and discernible effect in comparison to the other treatments.
fish amino acid.