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Postharvest handling : a training manual - Laguna Postharvest Horticulture Training and Research Center 19 _ _

Chapter 1 horticultural marketing : an overview - M.V. Maunahan –
Chapter 2 postharvest technologies for perishable crops: basic principles - M. C. C. Lizada –
Chapter 3 maturity indices and harvesting - E. b. Esguerra –
Chapter 4 market preparation for horticultural produce - E. P. Serrano –
Chapter 5 quality factors for horticultural produce - J. U. Agravante –
Chapter 6 grading, standardization and inspection - O. K. Bautista –
Chapter 7 packaging and transport - T. J. Rimando –
Chapter 8 temperature management and storage system - K. F. Yaptengco, E. P. Lozada and S. A. Andales –
Chapter 9 selection of a cooling system - E. Q. Amatorio –
Chapter 10 modified atmosphere packaging - L. A. Artes –
Chapter 11 product handling at wholesale and retail markets - P. A. Nuevo –
Chapter 12 minimizing insect damage - F. F. Apacionado –
Chapter 13 postharvest pathology - L. L. Ilag, A. J. Quimio, P. R. Magtibay and A. B. Estrada –
Chapter 14 minimally processed fruits and vegetables - J. M. Vila –
Chapter 15 factors affecting the wholesomeness of horticultural produce - N. A. Biglete –
Chapter 16 postharvest handling system for cutflowers - T. J. Rimando.

"This Training Manual was published in conjunction with and for use during the first Short Course in Postharvest
Handling of Horticulture Produce conducted with experts from the University of California, Davis in February 1993. It is based largely on lectures developed and delivered by the staff of the Postharvest Horticulture Training and Research Center (PHTRC) over the 17 years that the Center has provided training courses in the Philippines, ASEAN and other countries.
This manual has been written in a format that is intended to complement lectures in PHTRC training courses and provide trainors with materials for use in the preparation of visual aids. The PHTRC will eventually develop a whole set of training materials from this manual, including autotutorials.
There are two new topics added to the usual lectures included in the PHTRC course on Postharvest Handling: Minimally Processed Fruits and Vegetables, and Factors Affecting the Wholesomeness of Horticultural Produce. The inclusion of these topics is a response to current concerns regarding food safety in view of increasing consumption of fruits and vegetables for health reasons and the increased marketing of convenience foods, including cut and peeled fruits and vegetables.
The PHTRC would like to acknowledge the support of the Agribusiness System Assistance Program (ASAP) in providing insights on the appropriate format and material support for reproduction. The 1993 Short Course, which provided the impetus for the production of this manual, was conceived and planned jointly by the PHTRC and ASAP.
On behalf of the co-editors, I would like to express appreciation for the efforts of the PHTRC staff in making this manual a reality."
- Ma. Concepcion C. Lizada



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