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Organic agriculture production: intermediate - UAE 3G Elearning 2016 - vi, 361 pages : illustrations.

Unit I participate in workplace communication –
1. Learning objectives –
2. Introduction –
3. Obtain and convey workplace information –
4. Participate in workplace meetings and disussions –
5. Complete relevant work related documents –
6. Unit summary –
7. Point of discussion –
8. Multiple choice questions –
Unit 2 Work in team environment –
1. Learning objectives –
2. Introduction –
3. Team role and scope –
4. Identify own role and responsibility within team –
5. Work as a team member –
6. Unit summary –
7. Point of discussion –
8. Multiple choice questions –
Unit 3 Practice career professionalism –
1. Learning objectives –
2. Introduction –
3. Integrate personal objectives with organizational goals –
4. Set and meet work priorities –
5. Maintain professional growth and development –
6. Unit summary –
7. Point of discussion –
8. Multiple choice questions –
Unit 4 Practice occupational health and safety procedures –
1. Learning objectives –
2. Introduction –
3. Identify hazards and risks –
4. Evaluate hazards and risks –
5. Control hazards and risks –
6. Maintain OHS awareness –
7. Unit summary –
8. Multiple choice questions –
Unit 5 Apply safety measures in farm operations –
1. Learning objectives –
2. Introduction –
3. Areas of concern for safety measures –
4. Apply appropriate safety measures –
5. Safe keep/dispose tools, materials and outfit –
6. Unit summary –
7. Point of discussion –
8. Multiple choice questions –
Unit 6 Use farm tools –
1. Learning objectives –
2. Introduction –
3. Select and use farm tools –
4. Select and operate farm equipment –
5. Perform preventive maintenance –
6. Unit summary –
7. Point of discussion –
8. Multiple choice questions –
Unit 7 Perform estimation and basic calculation –
1. Learning objectives –
2. Introduction –
3. Perform estimation –
4. Perform basic workplace calculation –
5. Unit summary –
6. Point of discussion –
7. Multiple choice questions –
Unit 8 Develop and update industry knowledge –
1. Learning objectives –
2. Introduction –
3. Seek information of the industry –
4. Update industry knowledge –
5. Unit summary –
6. Point of discussion –
7. Multiple choice questions –
Unit 9 Perform record keeping –
1. Learning objectives –
2. Introduction –
3. Carry out inventory activities –
4. Maintain production record –
5. Prepare financial records –
6. Unit summary –
7. Points of discussion –
8. Multiple choice questions –
Unit 10 Raising organic chicken –
1. Learning objectives –
2. Introduction –
3. Health stocks and suitable housing –
4. Set-up cage equipment and chickens –
5. Grow and harvest chicken –
6. Feed chicken –
7. Unit summary –
8. Point of discussion –
9. Multiple choice questions –
Unit 111 Produce organic vegetables –
1. Learning objectives –
2. Introduction –
3. Establish nursery –
4. Plant seedlings –
5. Perform plant care and management –
6. Perform harvest and post-harvest activities –
7. Unit summary –
8. Point of discussion –
9. Multiple choice questions –
Unit 12 Produce organic fertilizer –
1. Learning objectives –
2. Introduction –
3. Prepare composting area and raw materials –
4. Compost and harvest fertilizer –
5. Unit summary –
6. Points of discussion –
7. Multiple choice questions –
Unit 13 Produce organic concoctions and extracts –
1. Learning objectives –
2. introduction –
3. Prepare for the production of various concoctions –
4. Process concoctions –
5. Package concoctions –
6. Role model –
7. Unit summary –
8. Point of discussion –
9. Multiple choice questions.

Organic Agriculture Production: Intermediate combines many different practical and visual skills with knowledge of specialized materials and techniques. Organic farming is a method of crop and livestock production that involves much more than choosing not to use pesticides, fertilizers, genetically modified organisms, antibiotics and growth hormones. This book will introduce the knowledge and skills for those studying and/or working in agriculture industry.
About this Book
This book consists of competencies that a person must achieve to produce organic farm products such as chicken and vegetables including producing of organic supplements such as fertilizer, concoctions and
About the Organic Agriculture Industry
From TVs to TV dinners, technology plays a role in nearly all aspects of modern life. But when it comes to food production, many of us are turning away from technology toward organic methods of food production- methods that combine science with traditional farming practices. Growth in the organic industry's popularity should also sprout employment in its occupations. New technology developed over the past several decades have allowed farmers to grow more food using fewer resources. Compared with 60 years ago, today's farm can supply more than three times more corn per acre, and the average dairy cow produces almost four times more milk. This is mainly because the agriculture sector is getting better at producing the same amount of crops with fewer hands and because land, machinery, seed, chemicals and other farming supplies are becoming more expensive. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) notes that some less successful farmers are likely to go out of business as market pressures only leave room for more successful farmers. Other good endeavors for organic farmers include catering directly to urban and suburban consumers, and participating in cooperatives or community-supported agriculture. These endeavors allow organic farmers to collect a greater share of consumers' food dollars than traditional product sales."


Organic agriculture.

Ref 631.584 Or35 2016

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