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Soil taxonomy : key to effective land use - Los Baños, Laguna Philippine Council for Agriculture, Forestry and Natural Resources Research and Development 1988 - xvi, 551 pages : illustrations. - Book Series No. 51/1998 .

Soil taxonomy. –
Historical development of soil taxonomy - R. Yeck and J. Kimble. –
Diagnostic surface horizons - M. Recel. –
Soil moisture and temperature regimes - R. Yeck and J. Kimble. –
Soil laboratory analysis for soil classification - M. Recel. –
Physical properties of soils - E. Paningbatan, Jr. –
Mineralogy of soils - G. San Valentin. –
Soil orders. –
Entisols - M. Recel. –
Inceptisols - M. Recel. –
Histosols - R. D. Yeck. –
Alfisols and ultisols - S. Paramananthan. –
Mollisols - L. Moncharoen. –
Soil survey and classification in Indonesia - M. Soekardi and M. Soedjadi. –
Report of soil survey and classification in Thailand - L. Moncharoen. –
Status of soil classification in the Philippines - A. Dayot. –
Agrotechnology transfer. –
Agrotechnology transfer based on soil taxonomy: the benchmark soils project experience - F. Beinroth. –
A system-based approach to agrotechnology transfer - F. Beinroth. –
Minimum data sets for crop modelling and agrotechnology transfer - B. Cagauan, Jr. –
Soil fertility and management implication of soil taxonomy - B. Cagauan, Jr. –
Soil suitability and management implications of soil taxonomy with special reference to tree crop cultivation - S. Paramananthan. –
National and regional projects of agrotechnology transfer in the ASEAN Region ( a proposal) - C. Escano. –
Crop cultural management. –
Agronomy of coconut - S. Magat. –
Agronomy of cacao - B. Azucena, Jr. –
Agronomy of soybean - L. Ragus. –
Agronomy of the oil palm (Elaeis guineensis) in Malaysia - Hew Choy Kean. –
Agronomy of sugarcane - V. Dosado. –
Agronomy of cassava - F. Villamayor, Jr. –
Farming systems research in the Philippines - A. Gomez.

"Self-sufficiency in food and fiber production can only be made possible with improved and sustained soil productivity. Presently, tremendous investments in agricultural research are made for the development of new technologies, such as development of new cultivars tolerant to soil constraints like moisture stress and soil acidity. In spite of this effort, the problem on matching crop requirements to soil conditions still remains the main concern of the research community. Moreover, financial constraints and lack of manpower capability hinder the application of research results. It is in this context that agrotechnology transfer may provide partial solution to these problems. But for the transfer of technology to be effective, a common knowledge of the soil resources of the country is necessary. Thus, soil taxonomy, a soil classification system used in more than 60 countries, is very useful for this purpose.
The International Forum on Soil Taxonomy served as a soil correlation exercise for scientists in the region to establish the basis for a collaborative program leading to the soil map of the ASEAN region.
This proceedings contains technical papers that may be helpful to scientists in the region in an exchange of valuable in- formation on soil resources. This publication was made possible through the joint efforts of the Philippine Council for Agriculture, Forestry and Natural Resources Research and Development (PCARRD), Bureau of Soils and Water Management (BSWM), Australian Development Assistance Bureau (ADAB), and Soil Management Support Services (SMSS) of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)."
- RAMON V. VALMAYOR, Executive Director

Soil taxonomy.

Fil 631.44 P53s 1988

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