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Rainfed agriculture in perspective: proceedings of the international workshop on the development of rainfed agriculture - Laguna Philippine Council for Agriculture and Resources Research and Development 1984 - viii, 140 pages : illus. - PCARRD Book Series No. 15 .

Opening remarks - Alfonso N. Eusebio –
Welcome remarks - Alfonso N. Eusebio –
Keynote address - Domingo F. Panganiban –
In-country reports –
Cropping system research under rainfed condition in Thailand - Rungsit Suwanketnikom –
Development of dryland farming in Taiwan - Chao Chih-Kang –
Farming systems for vertisols in the semi-arid tropics - S. M. Virmani –
Research and development of rainfed agriculture in Indonesia - Inu G. Ismail –
Rainfed crop production in the Mekong Delta - Vo-Tong Xuan –
Advances in rainfed agriculture –
Rain water management: the ICRISAT experience - Senen M. Miranda –
Development and implemention in rainfed technology in the Philippines - Rizalino T. Dilag, Jr. and Dennis Wood –
RADOS, Pangasinan: scope and impact - Hipolito A. Custodio –
The "KABSAKA" pilot extension project - Ranee A. Abanilla –
The rainfed rice-based cropping systems project, Solana, Cagayan - Herminigildo C. Gines and Edmund Sana –
Rainfed farming systems at ZDSDP/PADAP - Harry Nesbitt –
Rainfed resources development thrust of the farming systems and soil resources institute - Elpidio L. Rosario –
Dryland farming in sugarcane field in Taiwan - Chin-Ching Wei –
Crop livestock integration in rainfed areas - Moises de Guzman –
Closing remarks - Edgardo C. Quisumbing.

"Like most Asian countries, agricultural development plans and research programs in the Philippines have focused on irrigated areas. As a consequence, income disparity is widening and available technologies are inadequate or inappropriate for the vast rainfed areas.
As a development strategy, significant studies in developing useful rainfed agriculture technology cannot be underestimated. To focus on the rainfed farming technology suitable for small farms, the Philippine Council for Agriculture and Resources Research and Development (PCARRD) together with the Food and Fertilizer Technology Center for Asia and the Pacific (FFTC/ASPAC) and the Ministry of Agriculture, Region VI convened the International Seminar-Workshop on the Development of Rainfed Agriculture in the Philip- pines on July 11-15, 1983 at Iloilo City, the proceedings of which are detailed in this volume. Problems, potentials and advances in rainfed agriculture in the participating Asian countries were assessed to focus attention on its research and development needs.
It is hoped that these efforts will support the enthusiasm and growing interests of the national programs for a properly developed, efficient and progressive rainfed agriculture."
- Dr. Ramon V. Valmayor
Executive Director
Philippine Council for Agriculture
and Resources Research and Development


Fil 631.586 P53r 1984

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