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Gerbing, David W.

R data analysis without programming: explanation and interpretation / by David W. Gerbing. - 2nd ed. - New York, NY : Routledge, 2023. - xx, 357 pages : illus. ; 28 cm.

1. R for Data Analysis. --
2. Read and Write Data. --
3. Manage Data. --
4. Categorical Variables. --
5. Continuous Variables. --
6. Statistics. --
7. Compare Two Samples. --
8. Compare Multiple Samples. --
9. Factorial Designs. --
10. Correlation. --
11. Regression Analysis. --
12. Multiple Regression. --
13. Categorical Regression Variables. --
14. Causality. --
15. Item and Factor Analysis. --
16. References. --
17. Index.

"The new edition of this innovative book, R Data Analysis Without Programming, prepares the readers to quickly analyse data and interpret statistical results using R. Professor Gerbing has developed lessR, which is a ground-breaking method in alleviating the challenges of R programming. The lessR extends R, removing the need for programming. This edition expands upon the first edition's introduction to R through lessR which enables the readers to learn how to organize data for analysis, read the data into R, and generate output without performing numerous functions and programming exercises first. With lessR, readers can select the necessary procedure and change the relevant variables with simple function calls. The text reviews and explains basic statistical procedures with the lessR enhancements added to the standard R environment. Using lessR, data analysis with R becomes immediately accessible to the novice user and easier to use for the experienced user"-- Provided by publisher


Mathematical statistics -- Data processing.
Programming languages.

Ref 005.133 G31r 2023.

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