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Posudin, Yuri I.

Lasers in agriculture - New Hampshire Science Publishers, Inc. 1998 - 188 pages : illus.

Introduction –
Mistake of Engineer Garin –
The birth of laser –
The fundamentals of optical and laser spectroscopy –
Nature of light –
The main optical phenomena –
Principles and mechanisms of laser action –
Application of lasers in agriculture –
Agronomic plant-growing –
Cattle-breeding –
Laser in genetics and selection –
Laser veterinary medicine –
Laser surgery –
Fiber optics –
Laser in poultry-farming –
Laser on honey-breeding –
Lasers in agroengineering –
Laser monitoring agrosphere –
Laser and agriculture.

"In the last thirty years there has been considerable progress in the application of laser to various modern technologies. This instrument has unique properties-high intensity, monochromaticity and coherence of radiation; the frequency of certain lasers can be tuned in wide spectral regions; some of them produce ultrashort light pulses.
The main objective of this book is to bridge the gap in knowledge concerning the possible use of this promising instrument in agricultural industry. Based on the research in the field of laser technology and instrumentation, the text presents a systematic coverage of the possible real and perspective applications of laser in agriculture.
This book introduces the reader to the fundamentals of optical phenomena and elements of spectroscopy, main principles and mechanisms of laser action, properties of laser radiation and practical applications of laser in various branches of agriculture, particularly, in:
■ agronomic plant-growing (optical and laser spectroscopy of plants at single leaf and canopy level);
■ cattle-breeding (laser spectroscopy of animal hair, determination of milk contents, analysis of animal sperm motility);
☐ genetics and selection (laser photobiology of DNA, flow cytometry of sperm);
■ veterinary medicine (laser diagnostics, therapy and surgery of farm animals);
■ poultry-farming (egg quality evaluation, laser control of bird feathering);
■ apiculture (honey quality evaluation);
■ agroengineering (laser welding, cutting, drilling of mechanical details, laser systems of navigation);
■ monitoring of agrosphere (laser monitoring and remote sensing of agrosphere, laser meteorology).
This book is meant for agricultural specialists, educationists, students and post-graduate students. Persons connected with biological, medical, and environmental sciences may also find the book useful."



Ref 621.36 P84l 1998

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