Summary, etc |
A field experiment was conducted to determine the effect of organic and inorganic fertilizer on the growth and yield performance of two varieties of snap beans. The treatments were: Factor A: Variety – V1 (Black Valentine) and V2 (Stone hill); factor B: Fertilizer materials: T1- control (no fertilizer), T2= 2,000 kilograms/ha commercial organic fertilizer, T3 = 90 – 112 – 67 inorganic (Complete – 481.87 kilogram/ha ammonium phosphate – 240.93 kilogram/ha, T4=1,000 kilograms/ha commercial organic fertilizer + 30-37-22 inorganic, (complete – 160.62 per hectare, ammonium phosphate – 75 kg/ha.)<br/>The study used a 2x4x3 factorial experiment in Randomized complete Block Design (RCBD) with four (4) treatments and three (3) replications. Duncans Multiple Range Test (DMRT) was used to compare treatment means with significant results. This is to determine which treatment or treatment combination gives the best result.<br/>A yield of 16.61 tons per hectare was obtained under Variety 1 (Black Valentine) from Treatment 4 (1,000 kilograms commercial organic + 30-37-22 inorganic fertilizer over the 13.63 t/ha yield of variety 2 (Stone hill) in Treatment 3 (90-112-67) inorganic fertilizer).<br/>On the other hand, T1, T2, T3, and T4 of Variety 2 produces higher yield compared to Variety 1 of T1, T2, and T3 having a mean yield of 8.08 t/ha, 14.31 t/ha and 15.51 t/ha compared to 7.07 t/ha, 11.96 t/ha, and 12.37 t/ha, respectively. Control treatment gained the lowest yield in both Variety 1 and 2 having a mean yield of 7.07 t/ha and 8.08 t/ha respectively.<br/>However, statistical result shows that yield of two varieties are not significantly different at a mean of 12.0 and 12.95 t/ha.<br/>Plant height of T2 (2000kg/ha organic) in Variety 1 and T2 (2000 kg/ha organic) in Variety 2 shows superiority with a mean of 139.47 cm and 129 cm, respectively compared to other treatments.<br/>Results revealed that in terms of plant survival, weight of marketable and unmarketable pod, length of pod and number of pods in both variety and treatments evaluated are not significantly different. |