Summary, etc |
Starting from its implementation, the Broiler Production Project has served as a training ground for the Diploma in Agricultural Technology and Bachelor in Agricultural Technology (DAT-BAT) students and prepared them to become skilful, productive and competent graduate well-equipped with modern farm technologies in broiler production. The project also show-cased modern broiler production in ASCOT.<br/>The production phase was conducted at the Sloping Agricultural Land technology (SALT) Project of the college from January 2 to March 6, 1999. Initially, it was financed by the Republic of the Philippines-European Economic Community – Agricultural Education (RP-EEC-AGRED) and owner’s equity with a total project cost amounting to P1,638.30.<br/>In the initial operation of the project, a total expenses of P1,638.30 was incurred and P26,474.00 gross sales were realized; this resulted in a net income of P7,35.70. The return on investment was 42.04 percent, which means that for every peso invested in the project, a net return of 42.04 centavo was realized.<br/>The satisfactory performance of broilers and thus the profitability of the project also demonstrated that broiler production is suitable in the area.<br/>The project is financially stable having 7 percent net return. |