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Introduction to psychology

by Aquino, Gaudencio V.
Additional authors: Miranda, Norma C.
Published by : National Book Store (Metro Manila) Physical details: 530 pages : illustrations. ISBN:9710850237.
Subject(s): Psychology
Year: 1991
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Fil 101 C88p 1995 c.3 Philosophy of man Fil 150 Aq56i 1991 c.1 Introduction to psychology Fil 150 Aq56i 1991 c.2 Introduction to psychology Fil 150 Aq56i 1991 c.3 Introduction to psychology Fil 150 In89h 1985 c.1 Introduction to psychology Fil 150 In89h 1985 c.2 Introduction to psychology Fil 301 H91s 1987 c.1 Sociology in the Philippine setting: a modular approach

The nature of psychology – Methods of investigation used by psychologists – Growth, maturation, and development – The brain, nervous system, and endocrine system – Sensation and perception – Nature and varieties of consciousness -- Learning and cognition – Memory – Motivation – Emotions – Human sexuality – Personality – Frustration, conflict, stress, and adjustment – Troubled personality – Social psychology – Environmental psychology.

"This volume, which was written as textbook in Introduction to Psychology, has a twofold purpose. First, to provide a reasonable foundation for future studies in the field of psychology; and second, to provide college students in general with material that will enable them to know and understand the ways in which psychological, biological, and environmental factors shape human behavior. We realize that with so many introductory or general psychology texts already competing for attention and support, the writing of another book on the subject might seem superfluous to some people. Our position, however, is that in any human endeavor, there is always room for improvement.

Accordingly, we have approached the writing of the present volume in terms of three principal criteria: (1) reasonable scope in terms of coverage of topics, (2) adequacy of selection, organization, and treatment of subject matter, and (3) utility, relevance, and appeal to both faculty and students. We believe the present textbook encompasses the basic and fundamental psychological knowledge that college students ought to study and master - not only in terms of factual, conceptual, and theoretical considerations but also in terms of research and methodological developments. We believe further that it is organized and presented in such a way as to enable both instructors and students to approach their teaching and learning activities with interest and enthusiasm, a sense of direction and purpose, and a feeling of accomplishment.

The present volume has several important features. First, the text consists of sixteen chapters sequentially arranged following a carefully worked out conceptual scheme. Effort was exerted to cover essential and relevant areas of psychology. Second, careful attention was given to the exposition of basic concepts. The writing style and reading level are suitable for college students. Third, the book is integrated, both within each chapter and as a whole, making relationships within the filed of psychology clear and well-defined. Fourth, we have included the classic studies that have changed the direction of the field of psychology, but at the same time we have seen to it that the book incorporate the work being done frontiers of psychological research today. Fifth, numerous illustrations, charts, tables, and other visual aids - carefully selected on the basis of their educational value and incorporated in appropriate sections of the text - reflect the authors' stress on meaningful presentation and creative interpretation of data and information. Sixth, to help the student in terms of efficient learning, a study guide which immediately follows the chapter summary and includes a review of key terms and concepts along with a set of questions, problems, and activities as well as a practice test, has been prepared for each chapter. Answer keys to the practice test are provided in the Appendix. A list of selected references follows the study guide.

We have drawn upon many years of rich and fruitful experience in teaching the introductory psychology course, as well as upon many varied sources of ideas, concepts, theories, research studies, and data in the development of this book. We extend our heartfelt appreciation and profound gratitude to these numerous sources - including authors, publishers, agencies and organizations, as well as colleagues. But we hasten to add that whatever deficiencies this book may have should not be attributed to the aforementioned sources. We assume full responsibility for such shortcomings, if any, and vow to correct them in the next edition."

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