Principles of crop production
Material type:
- 9781682862414
- Ref 633 P93 2016
Item type | Current library | Collection | Call number | Status | Barcode | |
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ASCOT Library - Bazal Campus Reference | Reference | Ref 633 P93 2016 c.1 (Browse shelf(Opens below)) | Available | B02086 | |
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ASCOT Library - Bazal Campus Reference | Reference | Ref 633 P93 2016 c.2 (Browse shelf(Opens below)) | Available | B02087 |
Chapter 1 effects of leonardite applications on yield and some quality parameters of potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L.) - Arif Sanli, Thasin Karadogan and Muhammet Tonguc –
Chapter 2 comparison of organic and traditional production systems in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) - Sevgi Caliskan, Cahit Erdogan, Mehmet Arslan and Mehmet Emin Caliskan –
Chapter 3 evaluation of yield and seed requirements stability of bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) via Amni model - Velimir Mladenov, Borislav Banjac and Mirjana Milosevic –
Chapter 4 effect of irrigation amounts applied with drip irrigation on maize evapotranpiration, yield, water use efficiency, and net return in a sub-humid –
Chapter 5 Nitrogen concentrations and nitrogen yields of above-ground dry matter of chickpea during crop growth compared to pea, barley and oat in central Europe - R. W. Neugschwandtner, H. Wagentristl and H.-P. Kaul –
Chapter 6 performance of some local Nigerian turfgrasses in sole and mixed stands - Stephen Oyedeji, Augustine Onwuegbukiwe Isichei and Adekunle Ogunfidodo –
Chapter 7 impact of genotype and nitrogen fertilizer rate on yiled and nitrogen use by oat (Avena sativa L.) in turkey - Hasan Maral, Ziya Dumlupinar, Tevrican Dokuyucu and Aydin Akkaya –
Chapter 8 effects of plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria on some morphologic characteristics, yield and quality contents of Hungarian vetch - Halil Yolcu, Adem Gunes, M. Kerim Gullap and ramazan Cakmakci –
Chapter 9 dry matter and silage quality of some winter cereals harvested at different stages under Mediterranean climate conditions - Hakan Geren –
Chapter 10 effects of mixture ratio and row spacing in Hungarian vetch (Vicia pannonica Crantz.) and annual ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) intercropping system on yield and quality under semiarid climate conditions - Alpaslan Kusvuran, Mahmut Kaplan and Recep Irfan Nazli –
Chapter 11 genotype-environment interactions and stability analysis for dry-matter yield and seed yield in Hungarian vetch (Vicia pannonica Crantz.) - Mehmet Salih Sayar, Adem Emin Anlarsal and Mehmet Basbag –
Chapter 12 line x tester analysis and estimating combining abilities for yield and some yield components in bread wheat - Deniz Istipliler, Emre Ilker, Fatma Aykut Tonk, Gizem Civi and Muzaffer Tosun –
Chapter 13 substitution possibility of some biofertilizers for minela phosphorus fertilizer in pea cultivation - H. Ibrahim Erkovan, M. Kerim Gullap, Kamil Haliloglu and Ali Koc –
Chapter 14 inheritance of grain yield and its correlation with yield components in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) - Jinbao Yao, Xueming Yang, Miaoping Zhou, Dan Yang and Hongxiang Ma –
Chapter 15 quality and hygienic conditions of white Lupin Silage, affected by forage stage of growth and use of Silage additives - Agnieszka Faligowska, AMrek Selwet, Katarzyna Panasiewicz and Grazyna Szmanska –
Chapter 16 Effect of seeding rate on yield and quality of non-chemical fennel
(Foeniculum vulgare Mill.) cultivation - Ayse Betul Avci –
Chapter 17 The effects of location and the application of different mineral fertilizers on seed yield and quality of pot marigold (Calendula officinalis L.) - Radosav Jevdovic, Goran Todorovic, Miroslav Kostic, Rade Protic, Slavoljub Lekic,
Tomislav Zivanovic and Mile Secanski –
Chapter 18 Using remote sensing and soil physical properties for predicting the spatial distribution of cotton lint yield - Javed Iqbal, John J. Read and Frank D. Whisler –
Chapter 19 Yield and quality traits of some perennial forages as both sole crops and intercropping mixtures under irrigated conditions - Mehmet Salih Sayar, Yavuz Han, Halil Yolcu and Hatice Yücel –
Chapter 20 Effect of weed control methods on hay yield, botanical composition and forage quality of a mountain pasture - Selahattin Cinar, Mustafa Avci and Serap Kizil Aydemir –
Chapter 21 Effects of water stress on leaves and seeds of bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) - Ali Akbar Ghanbari, Seyyed Hassan Mousavi, Ahmad Mousapour Gorji and Idupulapati Rao –
Chapter 22 Yield and quality performances of various alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) cultivars in different soil textures in a Mediterranean environment - Yasar Tuncer Kavut and Riza Avcioglu –
Chapter 23 Yield and early maturity response to four cycles of modified mass selection in purple waxy corn - Satang Hussanun, Bhalang Suriharn and Kamol Lertrat –
Chapter 24 Forage yield and quality of common vetch mixtures with triticale and annual ryegrass - Emine Budakli Carpici and Necmettin Celik –
Chapter 25 Yield and herb quality of thyme (Thymus vulgaris L.) depending on harvest time - Beata Król and Anna Kieltyka-Dadasiewicz –
Chapter 26 Yield and quality of black cumin (Nigella sativa L.) populations: The effect of ecological conditions - Nimet Kara, Duran Katar and Hasan Baydar –
Chapter 27 Yield stability of some Turkish winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) genotypes in the Western Transitional Zone of Turkey - Fahri Altay –
Chapter 28 Nitrogen fertilization and narrow plant spacing stimulates sunflower productivity - Muhammad Awais, Aftab Wajid, Ashfaq Ahmad, Muhammad Farrukh Saleem, Muhammad Usman Bashir, Umer Saeed, Jamshad Hussain and M.Habib-ur-Rahman –
Chapter 29 Effects of different nitrogen levels on the grain yield and some yield components of quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) under Mediterranean climatic conditions - Hakan Geren –
Chapter 30 Yield components in mung bean [Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek] - Huseyin Canci and Cengiz Toker –
Chapter 31 Productivity of intercropping maize (Zea mays L.) and pumpkins (Cucurbita maxima Duch.) under conventional vs. conservation farming system - Nebojša Momirović, Sneţana Oljaĉa, Željko Dolijanović, Milena Simić, Mićo Oljaĉa and Biljana Janošević –
Chapter 32 Effect of long term crop rotation and fertiliser application on maize productivity - Živorad Videnović, Života Jovanović, Zoran Dumanović, Milena Simić, Jelena Srdić, Vesna Dragičević and Igor Spasojević –
Chapter 33 Effect of phosphorus doses and application time on the yield and quality of hay and botanical composition of clover dominant meadow in Highlands of Turkey - Ali Koc –
Chapter 34 Influence of corm provenance and sowing dates on stigma yield and yield components in saffron (Crocus sativus L.) -
Reza Amirnia, Mahdi Bayat and Asadollah Gholamian –
Chapter 35 Effects of row spacing and seeding rate on hay and seed yield of eastern anatolian forage pea (Pisum sativum ssp. arvense L.) ecotype - Mustafa Tan, Kader Kursun Kirci and Zeynep Dumlu Gul –
Chapter 36 Chickpea performance compared to pea, barley and oat in central Europe: Growth analysis and yield - R. W. Neugschwandtner, S. Wichmann, D. M. Gimplinger, H. Wagentristl and H.-P. Kaul –
Chapter 37 The effects of different nitrogen doses on tuber yield and some agronomical traits of early potatoes - Leyla Gulluoglu, H. Halis Arioglu and Halil Bakal –
Chapter 38 Effect of different plant densities on the yield and some silage quality characteristics of giant king grass (Pennisetum hybridum) under Mediterranean climatic conditions -Hakan Geren and Yasar Tuncer Kavut.
"The book focuses on various principles of crop production by elucidating the theoretical and conceptual applications. It aims to outline methods to improve the yield of crop plants through selective plant breeding and hybridization. The book discusses practical applications, methods and practices in plant breeding, biotechnology in crop improvement and seed production of field crops. It will provide valuable knowledge to the interested readers, experts and agriculturists. It is designed to outline future developments and challenges in this field."
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