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Your search returned 12 results.

Growth and yield performance of tomato (Lycopersicum esculentum, miller) as affected by different levels of vermitea extract by Amatorio, Manuel B. Publication: Aurora ASCOT 2014 . xiii, 59 pages : , Master of Science in Agriculture (Crop Science) Date: 2014 Availability: Items available: ASCOT Library - Zabali Campus (2),

Nitrogenous Plant extracts as Organic Fertilizer for Sweet Pepper Production (Capsicum annum L.) by Buisel, Joemel I. Publication: Aurora ASCOT 2023 . xii, 51 pages : , Bachelor of Science in Agriculture (Crop Science) Date: 2023 Availability: Items available: ASCOT Library - Esteves Campus (1),

Growth Performance of Broiler Chicken Supplemented with Young Leaf Extract of Saba (Musa acuminata) by Farro, Stephanie T. Publication: Aurora ASCOT 2023 . xi, 38 pages : , Bachelor of Science in Agriculture (Animal Science). Date: 2023 Availability: Items available: ASCOT Library - Esteves Campus (1),

Application of Intoxicating Yam (Dioscorea hispida) Extract as Bioinsecticide for the growth and yield perforamnce of Eggplants (solanum melongena L.) by Azue, Erica S. Publication: Aurora ASCOT 2023 . xiii, 40 pages : , Bachelor of Science in Agriculture (Crop Science). Date: 2023 Availability: Items available: ASCOT Library - Esteves Campus (1),

Growth and Yield Performance of Hot Pepper (Capsicum annum L.) as Affected by different Levels of Moringa Leaf Extract by Castillo Berjan S. Publication: Aurora ASCOT 2023 . xiv, 45 pages : , Bachelor of Science in Agriculture (Crop Science) Date: 2023 Availability: Items available: ASCOT Library - Esteves Campus (1),

Biosecticidal Effects of Boton (Barringtonia asiatica) Seed Extract on the Growth and Yield Performance of Eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) by Antonio, Jerald C. Publication: Aurora ASCOT 2023 . xv, 52 pages : , Bachelor of Science in Agriculture (Crop Science) Date: 2023 Availability: Items available: ASCOT Library - Esteves Campus (1),

Molluscicidal Activity of Makabuhay (Tinospora rhumpi) Extract on Golden Apple Snails as Bio Pesticide of Rice (Oryza sativa) by Ramos, Jessie DC. Publication: Aurora ASCOT 2023 . xii, 39 pages : , Bachelor of Science in Agriculture (Crop Science). Date: 2023 Availability: Items available: ASCOT Library - Esteves Campus (1),

Comparative Analysis of Different Boton (Barringtonia asiatica) Products as Molluscicide by Oliveros, Mark Elvin C. Publication: Aurora ASCOT 2023 . xii, 42 pages : , Bachelor of Science in Agriculture (Crop Science) Date: 2023 Availability: Items available: ASCOT Library - Esteves Campus (1),

Effect of Malunggay (Moringa oleifera) Leaf Extract on Growth Performance and Carcass Yield of Sasso Chicken Under Confinement System by Dela Cruz, Meg Ryan M. Publication: Aurora ASCOT 2023 . xiii, 52 pages : , Bachelor of Science in Agriculture (Crop Science). Date: 2023 Availability: Items available: ASCOT Library - Esteves Campus (1),

Frequency of Application of Goat Manure Extract on the Growth and Yield Response of Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) by Regidor, Precious Lhey Publication: Aurora ASCOT 2023 . ix, 46 pages : , Bachelor of Science in Agriculture (Major in Crop Science). Date: 2023 Availability: Items available: ASCOT Library - Esteves Campus (1),

Varying Levels of Golden Appple Snail as Liquid Fertilizer on the Growth and Yield Performance of Hot Pepper (Capsicum annum) by Adsuara, Jessa Q. Publication: Aurora ASCOT 2023 . xii, 33 pages : , Bachelor of Science in Agriculture (Major in Crop Science). Date: 2023 Availability: Items available: ASCOT Library - Esteves Campus (1),

Influence of Azolla (Azolla pinnata) Extract on the Growth and Yield response of Chili Pepper by Drapeza, July Ann M. Publication: Aurora ASCOT 2023 . xiv, 53 pages : , Bachelor of Science in Agriculture (Major in Crop Science). Date: 2023 Availability: Items available: ASCOT Library - Esteves Campus (1),

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