Community profiling, participation, and best practices in forest restoration within Simbahan - Talagas protected landscape
Material type:
Master of Science in Environmental Management
This study attempted to correlate the socio-demographic and socio-economic profile of the respondents towards the degree of participation and best practices towards forest restoration project. The socio-demographic and economic profile includes gender, age, ethnicity, religion, highest educational attainment, primary and alternative source of income, type of house, and type of house ownership. The degree of participation and best practices towards forest restoration project was determined. The study was conducted in Barangays Abuleg and Simbahan where the Simbahan-Talagas Protected Landscape was located. The data were categorized and subjected to statistical treatments such as frequency count, weighted mean, and independent t-test. The respondents were composed of 53 individuals who are actively participating in the forest restoration and protection within the watershed.
Among the best practices of the respondents were planting of indigenous tree species in land slide prone areas, planting of fast-growing tree species, regular visit in reforestation areas, regular clearing around the planted seedlings, replacement of dead seedlings, and planting fruit-bearing tree species in previously cleared areas for kaingin.
Among the profile of the respondents, only the alternative source of income is significantly related to their degree of participation towards forest restoration project.
Only gender is significantly related to respondent’s best practices towards forest restoration project. Other variables do not influence respondent’s best practices.
Among the problems encountered by the respondents were lack of volunteer manpower, insufficient conduct of IECs, issue of misunderstanding and coordination between Barangay LGU (BLGU) and DENR. Other factors were kaingin making within the reforestation site, carabao logging, low survival rate of planted seedlings during dry season, and low level of participation of the community in forest restoration project especially the upland farmers/kaingineros.
In terms of recommended solutions given by the respondents, they suggested that strict implementation of forest protection should be made by assigning Forest Protection Officers of DENR-CENRO Casiguran, watershed management council, and barangay officials to lessen the degree of impact of illegal activities within the STPL. Unity, volunteerism, conduct of IECs, fostering unity, understanding, and coordination, and leadership of the BLGU are the identified important factors to consider for the project’s successful implementation.
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