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Research design: qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches /

by Creswell, John W.
Additional authors: Creswell, J. David. -- author.
Edition statement:6th ed. Published by : SAGE Publications, Inc., (Los Angeles : ) Physical details: xxvii, 291 pages : col. illus. ; 25 cm. ISBN:9781071870631. Year: 2023
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Books Books ASCOT Library - Zabali Campus
Reference Ref 300.721 C86r 2023. (Browse shelf) Available Ref3007204640

Includes bibliographical references and index.

PART I. Preliminary Considerations 1 -- Chapter 1. The Selection of a Research Approach 3 -- Chapter 2. Review of the Literature 25 -- Chapter 3. The Use of Theory 51 -- Chapter 4. Writing Strategies and Ethical Considerations 79 -- PART II. DESIGNING RESEARCH 105 -- Chapter 5. The Introduction 107 -- Chapter 6. The Purpose Statement 123 -- Chapter 7. Research Questions and Hypotheses 143 -- Chapter 8. Quantitative Methods 157 -- Chapter 9. Qualitative Methods 191 -- Chapter 10. Mixed Methods Procedures 227 -- Glossary 263 -- References 271 -- Author Index 279 -- Subject Index 283

"The new edition of the best-selling text, Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches, continues the pioneering tradition of providing clear and concise instruction for understanding research and developing proposals for all three approaches. John W. Creswell and co-author J. David Creswell include a preliminary consideration of philosophical assumptions, a review of the literature, an assessment of the use of theory in research approaches, and reflections about the importance of writing and ethics in scholarly inquiry in a way that is applicable to all types of research. Key elements of the research process, giving specific attention to each approach. The book has been lauded for its language and tone, which are both accessible and inviting. It is a text that students keep and continue to use as a resource throughout their studies, once the specific class is over. The Sixth Edition includes more coverage of community-based participatory research, comparisons of qualitative and quantitative research, an expanded glossary with basic terms, updated examples of social, behavioral, and health research, new coverage of ethical requirements, updated APA 7th edition coverage, and additional exercises aimed at research projects." -- Blackwell

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