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Grain quality and antioxidant property of selected traditional rice (Oryza saliva L.) varieties growth in Aurora Province

by Estonilo, Crisanto T. Published by : ASCOT (Aurora) Physical details: xvi, 79 pages : illus. Year: 2014
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Continuing Resources Continuing Resources ASCOT Library - Zabali Campus
Thesis Available
Continuing Resources Continuing Resources ASCOT Library - Zabali Campus
Thesis Available

Master of Science in Agriculture (Crop Science)

The study aimed to evaluate the grain quality and antioxidant property of selected traditional rice varieties in Aurora Province. Rice samples were composed of Azucena, Binernal, Binisaya, Brilliante, Galo, Galo-dikit, Inuway, Palawan, Piniling baybay, and Red Rice.
This study was carried out in triplicates and the results were analyzed using the Statistical Analysis System. Mean comparisons within the sample set were performed at the 5% significance level using Tukey’s HSD test.
The results revealed that rice samples evaluated for milling potential varied significantly in terms of brown, milled, and head rice recovery. Physical attributes such as chalkiness, grain size, and shape were also determined. Chalky grains varied significantly from 1.4 to 16.5%. For the grain length, only Azucena (6.97mm) and Inuway (6.73mm) were classified as long grain rice (6.4 to 7.4mm) while the rest of the samples had medium to short grains that ranged from 5.36 to 6.47mm. However, majority of the rice samples fell under intermediate size of grain (2.0 to 3.0mm) while Binernal (1.85mm) has bold grain.
To evaluate the cooking and eating quality of rice samples, their physiochemical properties such as moisture, amylose, protein, gelatinization temperature, and gel consistency were determined. The physiochemical properties of rice samples =showed significant variations except for the MC. The MC of rice samples =ranged from 1=0.5 to 11.8%. Physiochemical analysis found Galo-dikit to be waxy and the rest as non-waxy rice samples, while Inuway had the highest protein content of 10.6% which is higher than the ideal protein content of rice. Meanwhile, antioxidant property was evaluated in terms of anthocyanin, total phenolic content, and antioxidant scavenging activity. All the antioxidant properties showed significant variations among the tested samples. Galo-dikit (223.32) and Red rice (0.95 mg GAE/g) obtained the highest anthocyanin and phenolic content, respectively. Consequently, these two rice samples ultimately gave the highest antioxidant scavenging activity among the samples.
Finally, the study concluded that the ten traditional rice varieties collected in the Province of Aurora had diverse characteristics in terms of grain quality and antioxidant property.

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