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Seed germination and yield performance of three tomato varieties as influenced by different seed treatment

by Regidor, Leah F. Published by : ASCOT (Aurora) Physical details: xi, 50 pages : illus.
Subject(s): Seed germination. | Tomato.
Year: 2007
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Continuing Resources Continuing Resources ASCOT Library - Zabali Campus
Thesis Available
Continuing Resources Continuing Resources ASCOT Library - Zabali Campus
Thesis Available

Master of Science in Agriculture (Crop Science)

This study was conducted to determine the seed germination and yield performance of three tomato varities: Diamante, Maxima, and Elegante. The treatments were: Factor A- Seed treatment- T1- Control (no seed treatment), T2-48 hours fermentation, T3- using boiling water, T4- acid treatment; Factor B: Variety-V1 (Diamante), V2 (Maxima), and V3 (Elegante).
This study used a 4x3x3 factorial experiment in Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with four treatments and three replications. Duncans Multiple Range Test (DMRT) was used to compare treatment means with significant results. This is to determine which treatment of treatment combination gives the best result.
Results revealed that percent seed germination and number of flowers per plant was significantly among treatments. Diamante and Maxima varieties got the highest percent seed germination with 3.33% under 24 hours fermentation method and the least was obtained from the control which is the Elegante variety with a mean of 61.66%. Acid treatment gave the highest number of flowers and weight of fruits. However, using the DMRT, acid treatment is not significantly different to fermentation and boiling water.
The average number of fruits per plant and computed yield (t/ha) was not affected by different seed treatments but significantly different among treatments. Diamante variety produced more number of fruits per plant with an average mean of 75.13 compared to Elegante with 6.53 and Maxima with 45.95 average number of fruits. But a mean yield of 71.7 t/ha was obtained from Elegante followed by Maxima and Diamante having a mean of 64.37 and 52.52 t/ha, respectively.

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