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The making of the Philippine agriculture and resources research system : a case for the developing world

by Valmayor, Ramon V. Published by : Philippine Council for Agriculture and Resources Research and Development (Laguna ) Physical details: vii, 166 pages : illustrations. Year: 1985
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Books Books ASCOT Library - Bazal Campus
Filipiniana Fil 333.714 V24m 1985 c.4 (Browse shelf) Available B01646
Books Books ASCOT Library - Bazal Campus
Filipiniana Fil 333.714 V24m 1985 c.2 (Browse shelf) Available B00602
Books Books ASCOT Library - Bazal Campus
Filipiniana Fil 333.714 V24m 1985 c.8 (Browse shelf) Available B01650
Books Books ASCOT Library - Bazal Campus
Filipiniana Fil 333.714 V24m 1985 c.9 (Browse shelf) Available B01651
Books Books ASCOT Library - Bazal Campus
Filipiniana Fil 333.714 V24m 1985 c.1 (Browse shelf) Available B00601
Books Books ASCOT Library - Bazal Campus
Filipiniana Fil 333.714 V24m 1985 c.5 (Browse shelf) Available B01647
Books Books ASCOT Library - Bazal Campus
Filipiniana Fil 333.714 V24m 1985 c.6 (Browse shelf) Available B01648
Books Books ASCOT Library - Bazal Campus
Filipiniana Fil 333.714 V24m 1985 c.10 (Browse shelf) Available B01652
Books Books ASCOT Library - Bazal Campus
Filipiniana Fil 333.714 V24m 1985 c.11 (Browse shelf) Available B01816
Books Books ASCOT Library - Bazal Campus
Filipiniana Fil 333.714 V24m 1985 c.7 (Browse shelf) Available B01649
Books Books ASCOT Library - Bazal Campus
Filipiniana Fil 333.714 V24m 1985 c.3 (Browse shelf) Available B01645
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General Reference
General Reference 658.57 (Browse shelf) Available 3115
Books Books ASCOT Library - Zabali Campus
General Reference
General Reference 658.57 (Browse shelf) Available 3116

Part I. A tryst with agricultural destiny: the birth of PCARRD. –
Chapter 1. In search of alternatives. –
The mission. –
The panel of inquiry. –
Chapter 2. charting new beginnings. –
The problems. –
Recommendations. –
Chapter 3. The creation of PCAR. –
Political backdrop. –
The mandate. –
Chapter 4. Breaking new ground. –
PCARR: strengthening resources research. –
PCARRD: meeting development imperatives. –
Part II. Building the national research system. –
Chapter 5. Organizational structure. –
The governing council. –
The Technical Advisory Committee. –
The Secretariat. –
Chapter 6. Setting the direction for research. –
A meeting of minds. –
Relevance as the ultimate goal. –
Defining priorities. –
Corporate planning: a high point in direction setting. –
Chapter 7. Establishing the Research Network. –
The research capability development plan. –
Agricultural Research Development Projects I and II. –
PCARRD's overall manpower development program. –
Chapter 9. Forging international and national linkages. –
Donor and lending institutions. –
International Agricultural Research Centers. –
Regional Research Centers. –
National Research Systems and specialized commodity institutes. –
National agencies. –
Private sector. –
Part III. Managing the system. –
Chapter 10. Program planning and budget process: cycles in congruence. –
The research budget cycle. –
Program planning cycle. –
Chapter 11. Policies and procedures for research operations. –
Research proposal preparation. –
Proposal evaluation. –
Monitoring mechanism. –
Higher levels of evaluation. –
Chapter 12. Improving the research environment. –
Incentives. –
Research administration procedures. –
Chapter 13. Keeping the system informed. –
Scientific literature service. –
Management information services. –
Print media. –
Chapter 14. Moving research results. –
The early years. –
Dissemination philosophy reconsidered. –
New leadership, new vision. –
Consolidating the old, exploring the new. –
Research utilization program. –
Part IV. Linking the past and the future. –
Chapter 15. Thirteen years' harvest. –
Crop technologies. –
Farm resources and systems technologies. –
Fisheries technologies. –
Forestry technologies. –
Livestock technologies. –
Technology from the Mines sector. –
Chapter 16. Challenge and opportunity: looking ahead. –
Keeping researchers in the system –
Capability development. –
Private sector participation in research and development. –
Improvement of the program planning and budget process. –
Technology dissemination. –
Completing the regionalization process. –
Meeting the development mandate. –
The Secretariat. –
Winding up.

"Thirteen years ago, men with vision dared translate into action an idea many thought could never work.
The idea was to set into motion a national research planning, coordinating and monitoring agency that would consolidate the research sector into a first-rate national research enterprise. This agency was to be called the Philippine Council for Agricultural Research, today known as the Philippine Council for Agriculture and Resources Research and Development or PCARRD.
The idea of establishing a national planning and coordinating agency was ushered in by the vicissitudes that buffeted this part of the world in the early seventies. The agricultural research sector then was no match for the harsh realities confronting the nation. Despite considerable investments in research by both government and private entities, no substantial benefits were accruing to the nation's teeming millions.
Research institutions generally used a major portion of their budget for capital outlay to finance construction work. While this meant more research facilities, it drastically reduced allocations for operational expenses and, because of the excessive number of research stations and facilities, resources were spread thinly.
Research proposals were often exploited by research-implementing agencies as mere devices for acquiring bigger funds. Once approved, appropriations were promptly diverted to other purposes.
But the more fundamental problem was the lack of coordination among stations and their research activities. Coordination was difficult to achieve because the various agencies involved were not under the same jurisdiction or administrative control.
There was no mechanism for planning and implementing research projects on a national scale. Research did not respond to national goals, concentrating on rice, corn, and sugarcane, even as the national program pressed for an agribusiness approach to export crops, feedgrains, livestock, fisheries, forestry, and the "second generation" problems of the cereal industry.
PCARRD's inception was therefore directed towards doing away with waste and duplication and the usual chaos of ad hoc arrangements within the research community. Its task was to define the goals, purposes and scope of agriculture and natural resources research in a country which was then, as it is today, a nation of many moods and gaieties; a nation of extremes, of want in the midst of plenty.
But, of course, we do not intend to dabble in mere retrospection. We trace the past as a salute to the pioneering efforts of the men who shaped PCARRD.
We also acknowledge the international agencies and research organizations that so generously committed their expertise and resources to helping what was then a fledgling institution find its way in the mainstream of world agriculture. We highlight, in particular, the more than 12 years of PCARRD-USAID cooperation that fueled the development of our national research capability.
The history of PCARRD is the history of the national research system. This book documents that history. It captures the experiences of a research community determined to create an impact on national affairs, and reflects on the role of PCARRD in the near future.
Through this volume, we hope to offer a first-hand test case in research management and operations to developing nations in the course of establishing their own research enterprise.
The past years have taught us that just as a gem cannot be polished without friction, neither can a research system be perfected without trials. We have faced tremendous odds but we have chosen to view these problems, not as impediments to growth, but as opportunities for progress.
Truly, much has been achieved but much more remains to be done. In more practical terms, the ballgame is the present and the challenge is the future."
- Ramon V. Valmayor

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