People, earth and culture : readings in indigenous knowledge systems on biodiversity management and utilization
Philippine Council for Agriculture, Forestry and Natural Resources Research and Development
. x, 296 pages :
, Chapter 1. biodiversity conservation and management systems and practices. –
Managing biodiversity: models from the Cordillera of Northern Luzon - Rowena Reyes-Boquiren. –
Conserving biodiversity: the case of the Ifugao farming system - Robert T. Ngildo. –
Indigenous practices in the sustainable management of pine forests in Mountain Province - Eudes B. Enkiwe, Tony S. Baldino, Jr. and Manuel L. Pogeyed. –
The management and utilization of indigenous forest plants by the Atis and the Sulodnons of Panay and Guimaras - Remedios S. Somcio, Ma. Juanita E. Erazo, and Nora P. Legaspi. –
Indigenous knowledge systems on biodiversity conservation and management of the Ivatans of Batanes - Nestor Castro. –
Indigenous resource utilization and management strategies: knowledge, perception, and practices of fishing populations in COE-CRM learning sites of Negros Oriental, Philippines - Cornelia Cadeliña. –
The indigenous knowledge system of the Sama Dilaut of Tawi-Tawi - Eddie M. Alih, Almuzrin B. Jubaira, Adjarali B. Hapas, and Wilham M. Hailaya. –
Liguasan Marsh biodiversity: people-based initiative for conservation and protection - Abonawas M. Pendaliday. –
Indigenous forest resources utilization and conservation in Ghana - Mensa Bonsu. –
Chapter 2. Tools, procedures and methods in biodiversity conservation and utilization. –
Marine and rainforest biodiversity management: the Aurora Dumagats way - Rogelio Serrano, Napoleon Calderon, and Grace Ebenga. –
Indigenous knowledge systems and biodiversity management of the Talaandig community - Datu Migketay Victorino L. Saway. –
Conservation through cultivation: on-farm tree diversity in Leyte and Bohol uplands. - Anna Lawrence. –
The role of indigenous technical knowledge in on-farm conservation of rice genetic resources in Cagayan Valley, Philippines - Stephen Morin, Jean Louis-Pahm, Leocadio S. Sebastian, Girlie Abrigo, Dennis Erasga, Mauricio Bellon, Marlon Calibo, and Paul Sanchez. –
Biodiversity protection and management through natural resource management planning - Teddy M. Pjaro and Delia C. Catacutan. –
Traditional technologies used by farmers to obtain, select and maintain local maize seeds in Mexico - Antonio Macias-Lopez, Mario Valdez-Ramirez and Aquiles Carballo-Carballo. –
Reconciling traditional access to resources with conservation in Cameroon - C. N. Ngwasiri –
Chapter 3. Valuation of biodiversity. –
Economic valuation of biodiversity: a survey of current thinking – Rina Maria P. Rosales and Jose E. Padilla. –
Case studies in economic valuation of biological resources and biodiversity - Rina Maria P. Rosales and Jose E. Padilla. –
Chapter 4: Intellectual property rights, indigenous knowledge systems and bioprospecting. –
Intellectual property rights, biodiversity and indigenous knowledge: indigenous peoples' perspective - Victoria Tauli-Corpuz. –
Indigenous knowledge for profit? exploring Sui Generis intellectual property rights systems to protect indigenous knowledge in the Philippines - Elpidio V. Peria. –
Bioprospecting policy and implementation process in the DENR - Manuel V. A. Bravo. –
Chapter 5. R&D agenda for indigenous knowledge systems on biodiversity management and utilization. –
R&D agenda for indigenous knowledge systems on biodiversity management and utilization.
Items available:
ASCOT Library - Zabali Campus
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