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Your search returned 160 results.

Electric machines : by Zorbas, Dino. Publication: Stamford, CT ; | Singapore : Cengage Learning, 2015 . xiv, 626 pages : Date: 2015 Availability: Items available: ASCOT Library - Zabali Campus Reference (1),

Concepts of Database Management by Starks, Joy, Publication: USA Cengage Learning, Inc. 2019 . xv, 411 pages : , Includes index. Date: 2019 Availability: Items available: ASCOT Library - Zabali Campus Reference [005.74] (2),

Biology: The Unity and Diversity of Life by Starr, Cecie Publication: USA Cengage Learning, Inc. . 1 volume (various pagings) : , Includes index. | Authors' full names on title page verso. Availability: Items available: ASCOT Library - Zabali Campus Reference [570] (1),

Cultural Anthropology: A Problem-Based Approach by Robbins, Richard H. Publication: USA Cengage Learning 2017 . xviii, 382 pages : Date: 2017 Availability: Items available: ASCOT Library - Zabali Campus Reference [306] (1),

An Introduction to Programming with C++ by Zak, Diane Publication: USA Cengage Learning 2016 . xviii, 609 pages : , Includes index. Date: 2016 Availability: Items available: ASCOT Library - Zabali Campus Reference [005.133] (2),

Guide to operating systems / by Tomsho, Greg. Publication: Australia Cengage Learning 2017 . xxii.; p579 Date: 2017 Availability: Items available: ASCOT Library - Zabali Campus Reference [005.432] (1),

Commercial Refrigeration for Air Conditioning Technicians / by Wirz, Dick, Publication: Australia Cengage Learning 2018 . x., 384 pages : , Includes index. Date: 2018 Availability: Items available: ASCOT Library - Zabali Campus Reference [621.56] (1),

Database Systems by Coronel, Carol Publication: Singapore Cengage Learning 2019 . xxv.,p.802 Date: 2019 Availability: Items available: ASCOT Library - Zabali Campus Reference [005.74] (1),

New perspectives on computer concepts 2018, comprehensive / by Parsons, June Jamrich. Publication: Australia Cengage Learning 2018 . xvi., p.954 Date: 2018 Availability: Items available: ASCOT Library - Zabali Campus Reference [004] (1),

Ethics in Information Technology by Reynolds, George Walter Publication: USA Cengage Learning, Inc. 2019 . xix, 444 pages : Date: 2019 Availability: Items available: ASCOT Library - Zabali Campus Reference [174.4] (1),

Soil science & management by Plaster, Edward Publication: Australia Delmar Cengage Learning 2014 . xix, 520 pages : , Chapter 1 The importance of soil -- Soil is a life-supporting of material -- Soil is a medium for plant growth -- Soil: a three-phase system -- Agricultural uses of soil -- Nonagricultural uses of soil -- Land use in the United States -- Soil quality -- Soil and nature -- Soil and climate -- Chapter 2 soil origin and development -- Th soil body -- rocks and Minerals -- Parent material -- Climate -- Organisms -- Topography -- Time -- Humans -- The soil profile -- Chapter 3 soil classification and survey -- Soil classification -- Soil survey -- Land capability classes -- Chapter 4 physical properties of soil -- Soil texture -- Soil density and permeability -- Soil structure -- Soil consistence -- Soil tilth -- Soil pans -- Soil temperature -- Soil color -- Chapter 5 life in the soil -- The soil food chain and carbon cycle -- Microorganisms -- Distribution and functions of microorganisms -- Managing soil organisms -- Soil animals -- Chapter 6 organic matter -- The nature of organic matter -- Functions of organic matter -- Maintaining soil organic matter -- Nitrogen immobilization -- Organic soils -- Soil organic matter and global climate -- Chapter 7 soil water -- how plants use water -- Forces on soil water -- Types of soil water -- Water retention and movement -- How roots gather water -- Measuring soil water -- Where does water go? -- Chapter 8 water conservation -- The hydrologic cycle -- Water resources in the United States -- capturing water in soil -- Reducing consumptive use -- Using reclaimed water -- Water quality -- Chapter 9 drainage and irrigation -- The importance of drainage -- Wetlands and wet soils -- Artificial drainage -- Irrigation systems -- Suing irrigation -- Water quality -- Natural moisture regimes -- Chapter 10 soil fertility -- Plant nutrients -- Sources of elements in soil -- Soil minerals -- Soil colloids -- Cation exchange -- Nutrient uptake -- Chapter 11 soil pH and salinity -- Soil pH-- Development of soil pH -- Effects of pH on plants -- Liming soil -- Acidifying soil -- Soil salinity -- Chapter 12 plant nutrition -- Nitrogen -- Phosphorus -- Potassium -- Secondary nutrients -- Metallic trace elements -- Anionic trace elements -- Beneficial elements -- Chapter 13 soil sampling and testing -- Why test soils? -- Soil testing -- Grower testing -- Tissue testing -- Chapter 14 fertilizers -- Forms of fertilizer -- Fertilizer materials -- Mixed fertilizers -- Selecting fertilizer -- Applying fertilizer -- Fertilizer effects on soils -- Chapter 15 organic amendments -- Animal manure -- Biosolids -- Compost -- Fertilizer and the environment -- Chapter 16 tillage and cropping systems -- Uses of tillage -- Conventional tillage -- Conservation tillage -- Differences between conventional and conservation tillage -- Cropping systems -- Dryland farming -- Sustainable agriculture -- Chapter 17 horticultural uses of soil -- Vegetable culture -- Fruit culture -- Nursery field culture -- Container growing -- Landscaping -- Chapter 18 soil conservation -- Consequences of erosion -- Water erosion -- Wind erosion -- Erosion and climate change -- Chapter 19 urban soil -- Characteristics of urban soils -- Modified and structured soils -- Urban erosion and runoff -- Chapter 20 government agencies and programs -- USDA agencies -- USDA conservation programs -- State and local efforts. Date: 2014 Availability: Items available: ASCOT Library - Zabali Campus Reference [Ref 631.4 P69s 2014] (1),

Exploring Second Language Classroom Research A Conprehensive Guide by Nunan, David Publication: Australia Cengage Learning 2009 . vii., p.496 Date: 2009 Availability: Items available: ASCOT Library - Zabali Campus Reference [001.42] (1),

The Elements of Social Scientific Thingking by Hoover, Kenneth Publication: Ausralia Wadsworth Cengage Learning 2011 . ix., p.198 Date: 2011 Availability: Items available: ASCOT Library - Zabali Campus [001.42] (1),

Web Design Introductory by Campbell, Jennifer T. Publication: USA Cengage Learning 2015 . xi.; p. 200 Date: 2015 Availability: Items available: ASCOT Library - Zabali Campus Reference [004.65] (1),

Principles of Information Systems by Stair, Ralph M. Publication: Australia Course Technology Cengage Learning 2014 . xxxv., p.716 Date: 2014 Availability: Items available: ASCOT Library - Zabali Campus Reference [004.1] (1),

Alice 3 in Action Computing Through Animation by Adams, Joel Publication: USA CENGAGE Learning 2015 . xiv.; p. 309 Date: 2015 Availability: Items available: ASCOT Library - Zabali Campus Reference [005.1] (1),

Computer Technology Encyclopedia: Quick Reference For Students and Professionals by Graves, Michael Publication: Australia Delmar Cengage Learning 2009 . v., p.385 Date: 2009 Availability: Items available: ASCOT Library - Zabali Campus Reference [004.1] (1),

Fundamental of Information Systems by Stair, Ralph M. Publication: Australia Course Technology Cengage Learning 2014 . xxxii., p.522 Date: 2014 Availability: Items available: ASCOT Library - Zabali Campus Reference [004.1] (1),

Adobe Photoshop Revealed by Reding, Elizabeth Eisner Publication: USA CENGAGE Learning 2015 . xxiii.; p. 54 Date: 2015 Availability: Items available: ASCOT Library - Zabali Campus Reference [005.2] (1),

Java Programming by Farrell, Joyce Publication: USA CENGAGE Learning 2010 . xxv.; p. 881 Date: 2010 Availability: Items available: ASCOT Library - Zabali Campus Reference [005.3] (1),

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