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Your search returned 2 results.

Response of mycelial growth and production of oyster mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus) on varying levels of lime and substrates by Bibon, Chenie Mae T. Publication: Aurora ASCOT 2021 . xvi, 70 pages : , Master of Science in Agriculture (Crop Science) Date: 2021 Availability: Items available: ASCOT Library - Zabali Campus (2),

Production of Oyster (Pleurotus ostreetus) Mushroom using rice straw and sawdust subtrates by Canaveral, Cristian S. Publication: Aurora ASCOT 2023 . x, 38 pages : , Bachelor of Science in Agriculture (Major in Crop Science). Date: 2023 Availability: Items available: ASCOT Library - Esteves Campus (1),

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